Hannah's Story

Nepal is one of the poorest countries on Earth, heavily influenced by a historically oppressive caste system. The Badi people are so low in the caste system that many natives don’t even recognize them as part of the caste. Instead, they are treated worse than dogs, seen as objects and considered the “untouchable” people. In the communities where we serve, up to 70% of Badi children will be trafficked because of this view. The rights to young girls are often sold before they are born, for some families this is a necessary means of survival. These children are groomed and abused as early as age two, before being sold around the age of nine. Once sold, they will be sexually exploited 20-30 times per day.

This was Hannah’s sister’s story. Drugged and taken by her neighbor before her 10th birthday, she was trafficked over the border into India. Years later, it would be discovered that she had been abused upwards of 20,000 times.

Hannah was able to escape a similar fate upon being rescued by one of our partners in Nepal. She was brought to a safehouse, given a bed of her own, food, and education. Her body, mind and soul were tended to. It was there that Hannah heard The Gospel and felt the call to rescue other young girls from trafficking and make a way for them to have a better life. Since then, Hannah has shared The Gospel with thousands. Hannah is the first Badi person to graduate college.

In 2020, she became the CEO and founder of HER (Himalayan Entrepreneur Resources), an NGO in Nepal. It is a women’s empowerment initiative working to train and equip Nepali women to become passionate entrepreneurs, farmers and church planters. HER educates thousands of young women on feminine health and hygiene, a taboo subject in Nepali culture. HER also has an anti-trafficking operation to rescue young girls who have been sold into slavery. All the young girls rescued in 2022 have given their lives to Jesus. Hannah is on a mission to transform Nepal. We are on a mission to support HER.

Our Mission

Through our work with Hannah, we aim to provide vocational training, business coaching and seed money to Badi entrepreneurs. Whether they live in the jungle or the city, Badi women are known for their skill of handmade skincare, soap and cosmetics. This is an ancient art for their people that hasn’t been recognized because of their position in the caste. We want to change that.

When you purchase our products, 10% of the profit goes directly to HER. This creates space for Badi women in the marketplace by providing training, support and seed money for their skincare business. Entrepreneuership also creates a sustainable source of income for the Badi people and decreases the risk of trafficking. This is Business for Good.